Wednesday, March 7, 2007

More Liberalism from Boston

This story has been going around the wires for most of the day today, but it seems worthwhile enough to comment on.

A Boston woman who gave birth after a failed abortion has filed a lawsuit against two doctors and Planned Parenthood seeking the costs of raising her child.

This so called "wrongful birth" lawsuit is both confusing as it is demonstrative of the typical liberal mindset. First, we must assume that if this woman was at the "Planned" Parenthood facility for an abortion, she had no intent or desire to raise this child. If that is the case (as it most certainly is) why is this woman keeping the child rather than putting it up for adoption? It seems entirely contradictory to be subjecting the child to an abortion one day, but then embracing it the next day and holding it up as the poster child for abortionist negligence.

Naturally, this woman views the raising of a child as an onerous burden for which she must be made whole though a lawsuit. Instead of embracing the child as the valuable and precious gift it is, this woman is using the child as a means of winning a court award.

Not only is she despicable for seeking the abortion, but she is even more despicable for using the child as a politcal tool to engrandize herself.


Ashok Kizhepat said...

Thanks for your blog URL submission at REPUBLICANS

Ashok Kizhepat said...

Thanks for your blog URL submission at REPUBLICANS

Anonymous said...

"typical liberal mindset" huh...
sounds like someone's a bit of a bigot
try explaining things without sounding like a judgmental belligerent pig pushing his agenda