Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's the Democrats Who are Turning Iraq into the Modern Vietnam

After narrowly passing a defeatist cut and run, anti military bill, Democrats almost universally proclaimed victory in the their quest to stifle the efforts of the President to effectively fight the war on terror. By mandating a timetable for withdrawl from Iraq, not only are the liberals ensuring victory for the Islamofascists on a date certain, but they are also sending a strong message to the military that expresses no support for their mission.

All reports indicate that the Presidents "surge" plan is working. Violence is decreasing, and Iraqis are expressing to reporters and pollsters that their lives are indeed improving. Democrats don't want to see progress, and instead are hoping to ensure their own electoral victory by playing off a perceived opposition to the Battle of Iraq.

Shame on the Democrats for playing the Vietnam card in Iraq. If there is one sure way to defeat, it's putting Democrats in charge of national defense.

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