Friday, March 2, 2007

Senator, You're No Reagan

One of our members had this to offer about the presidential ambitions of Sen. John McCain (RINO-AZ)

"As we all know, Senator John McCain is running for president. He sort of, officially announced it on the Letterman show last night. At times, he tries to appeal to the conservative base, at other times he ignores them. An example of the latter, is the Senator's no-show at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), currently being held in Washington, DC. The Senator is trying to link himself, or portray himself as being a Reagan conservative. His website for 2008 proves this. However, would President Reagan give U.S. Constitutional rights on enemy combatants captured on the battlefield? Not so much. Would President Reagan blow off CPAC? Not so much. As the worlds best blogger, Michelle Malkin points out, President Reagan visited CPAC 12 times! Michelle also has portions of one of his speeches that is just great. Now, I want to point out one thing. Senator McCain is a patriot. He served his country proudly. He endured being a POW for over five years, all the while people like Kerry and Fonda were betraying them. He has consistently stood up for our soldiers. And for that I thank him. But, President Reagan's qoute on the Cold War shows where the difference is. "Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose." President Reagan would never give U.S. rights to people who tried to kill our soldiers on the battlefield. And he also would not alienate true conservatives. Senator, you are no Ronald Reagan."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People just don't understand how good Reagan was for this country.

Under Reagan, the average wage of workers in the US grew substantially, more so than ever in the history of anywhere in the world! Its true! Take my word! Or else you're on the terrorists' side.

Reagan also greatly enriched Latin America and raised the standard of living there substantially. He helped put in place many of the forward thinking freedom lands of free democracies such as Guatemala, our loyal free ally, and Haiti, the ever-growing center of free thinking and expression.

He enriched the reputation of the UNited States like no other president, and the love and respect that we earned can still be seen today.

He also set about attacking the horrible drug problem in our country, effectively solving what none others could. He waged many victories over drugs, imprisoning many minorities and plunging them further into povert, where they belong.

His rugged image and features also reflected positively on the US. His hair was the talk of the world!