Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lunatics Ravage the UAlbany Campus

This poster from the UAlbany wing of the "September 11 truth movement" is an attempt on the part of liberals to paint George W. Bush as a modern day Hitler. Aside from the ridiculous nature of that comparison, what is even more disturbing is that so many people are buying their conspiracy theory hook, line, and sinker.

Anyone who doesn't believe that the Islamic jihadists were the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks needs to consider whether or not they are rooted in reality. We have known for the last three decades that the jihadists have wanted to destroy this country and replace it with their Islamic empire. These "truth movement" members are either blind to this fact, or simply wish to ignore the realities of the world.

If George Bush really wanted to go to war so badly, he would have just done it without creating an elaborate plot to knock down the two towers, destroy a portion of the Pentagon, and fly another plane into the ground. Weapons of mass destruction was a good enough reason for Bill Clinton to go to war, and would have been just as good without the events of September 11.

The fact finding ability of these "truth" seekers is uncanny, and I assume that these "truth movement" members also know who assassinated Kennedy, and what happened to the USS Maine prior to the Spanish-American War. Either that, or they are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame.


Unknown said...

We need to find stickers that say "kool-aid" on them and stick them on top. I've got nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

it is a mistake to think that this group says that the government actually perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. What they are more in tune with saying is that some governmental agencies had intelligence suggesting an attack, and the government had been forewarned by Israel and other countries of an impending attack.

I suggest you look at the records of the US Commission on National Security, and examine their findings in their sep 15, 99 and mar 15, 2001 findings.

On Sept 7 2001, the state department issued a worldwide caution on imminent terrorist attacks.

The CIA also had the locations of the soon to be pilots of the planes.

Security at the WTC was increased in mid-august.

Israeli businesses began pulling out of the WTC in the half a year before the attacks.

Someoen short-sold a shitload of TWA stock and made billions buying it back- we don't know who, due to how the system works.

I can go on and on, this is all well-documented despite what you may ignorantly think or say without looking into matters.

If you think what the official story of 9/11 was what the government told us, you are sorely mistaken.

The 9/11 group on campus is an umbrella group for all people that believe such things,and just like within any group, including yours, there are differences in opinion and beliefs between the members.

If you're going to slander, do it with some substance, or at least with some humor

Anonymous said...

Is this the same group that admitted in the ASP that there were lies on the dvd's you're handing out?! Here's a novel idea, instead of blaming your government, how about blaming the people who perpetrated this horrible act? While we are standing for our security, you stand for crap. As far as the CIA know locations, maybe, maybe....but thanks to Jamie Gorelick, there was a wall that prevented the sharing of intelligence...notice how don't bring up that little nugget...look, I'm proud to live in a country that has, and allows, nutjobs to spew their(yours) idiocy...but when you admit there are falsities in your dvd, you lose all're no different than that loser, Mikey Moore---Dave

Anonymous said...

ps---it is a mistake to think that this group says that the government actually perpetrated the 9-11 attacks???...Then why do they equate President Bush with Hitler?

Anonymous said...

There was no malicious intent in Matt's article. So the term, "Slander," doesn't apply. He was giving the opinion that your group is really quite out of its mind.

Anonymous said...

It would have been libel, anyway. Slander refers to spoken words.

Anonymous said...

Arguing with ignorant assholes doesn't seem to be doing much.

I'm no democrat and I'm no republican. I am not part of any of these groups. You are fools to bicker so on details, and defend some sort of rhetoric you don't understand.

I'm not trying to blame anyone. I'm looking for solutions that will lead to the least death, the least suffering, and the least poverty. If you think that is what the government the last couple of years, or if that is the ROLE of government as a whole, you are sorely mistaken.

Anyway, stick to your "sides" and claim you're right, and nit-pick events and occurences, and blame things on the "other" side. We'll see how far you, and all of society will get.

The world isn't as simple as you think, and especially not politics.
You are burrowing into a hole of ignorance and partisanship out of which there is no constructive escape. Kudos.

Anonymous said...

Well gosh, I'm sorry we didn't bow down at your altar and accept your vision of the world.

I also appreciate very much that someone who does know how the world works is reading this.

If you know so much, why do you bother commenting on blog characterized by sophomoric comments?

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe how ignorant and fanatical you guys are. That is why

Anonymous said...

Who said what now?

This annonymous crap is confussing. -_-