Wednesday, January 10, 2007

John McCain: The Panderer

Mark Levin offers some thoughts on the Republican "front runner" John McCain in his National Review blog. Highlights are below:

McCain's position on domestic security has been disgraceful. He joined with the radicals in the Democrat party to confer constitutional and international rights on unlawful enemy combatants (a.k.a. al Qaeda terrorists) for the first time in American history.
McCain says nothing about Iran and Syria, which means he doesn't have the political courage to recognize the existence of a regional war in the Middle East.
John McCain is a conservative lightweight who is only interested in his media image. His propensity for compromising with Democrats has been destructive on many fronts. As Mark Levin points out, his "terrorist bill of rights" has made it extremely difficult for American soldiers to actually fight (and win). McCain-Feingold, a legislative abomination has resulted in more "soft money" being thrown into elections and the rise of whackos like George Soros.

Mr. McCain may be the popular choice among Republicans, but it does not mean he is the right choice for the future of this country.

Mark Levin's full post can be found here

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