Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's the Democrats Who are Turning Iraq into the Modern Vietnam

After narrowly passing a defeatist cut and run, anti military bill, Democrats almost universally proclaimed victory in the their quest to stifle the efforts of the President to effectively fight the war on terror. By mandating a timetable for withdrawl from Iraq, not only are the liberals ensuring victory for the Islamofascists on a date certain, but they are also sending a strong message to the military that expresses no support for their mission.

All reports indicate that the Presidents "surge" plan is working. Violence is decreasing, and Iraqis are expressing to reporters and pollsters that their lives are indeed improving. Democrats don't want to see progress, and instead are hoping to ensure their own electoral victory by playing off a perceived opposition to the Battle of Iraq.

Shame on the Democrats for playing the Vietnam card in Iraq. If there is one sure way to defeat, it's putting Democrats in charge of national defense.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Lunatics Ravage the UAlbany Campus - Part II

The video is self explanatory.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lunatics Ravage the UAlbany Campus

This poster from the UAlbany wing of the "September 11 truth movement" is an attempt on the part of liberals to paint George W. Bush as a modern day Hitler. Aside from the ridiculous nature of that comparison, what is even more disturbing is that so many people are buying their conspiracy theory hook, line, and sinker.

Anyone who doesn't believe that the Islamic jihadists were the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks needs to consider whether or not they are rooted in reality. We have known for the last three decades that the jihadists have wanted to destroy this country and replace it with their Islamic empire. These "truth movement" members are either blind to this fact, or simply wish to ignore the realities of the world.

If George Bush really wanted to go to war so badly, he would have just done it without creating an elaborate plot to knock down the two towers, destroy a portion of the Pentagon, and fly another plane into the ground. Weapons of mass destruction was a good enough reason for Bill Clinton to go to war, and would have been just as good without the events of September 11.

The fact finding ability of these "truth" seekers is uncanny, and I assume that these "truth movement" members also know who assassinated Kennedy, and what happened to the USS Maine prior to the Spanish-American War. Either that, or they are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

More Liberalism from Boston

This story has been going around the wires for most of the day today, but it seems worthwhile enough to comment on.

A Boston woman who gave birth after a failed abortion has filed a lawsuit against two doctors and Planned Parenthood seeking the costs of raising her child.

This so called "wrongful birth" lawsuit is both confusing as it is demonstrative of the typical liberal mindset. First, we must assume that if this woman was at the "Planned" Parenthood facility for an abortion, she had no intent or desire to raise this child. If that is the case (as it most certainly is) why is this woman keeping the child rather than putting it up for adoption? It seems entirely contradictory to be subjecting the child to an abortion one day, but then embracing it the next day and holding it up as the poster child for abortionist negligence.

Naturally, this woman views the raising of a child as an onerous burden for which she must be made whole though a lawsuit. Instead of embracing the child as the valuable and precious gift it is, this woman is using the child as a means of winning a court award.

Not only is she despicable for seeking the abortion, but she is even more despicable for using the child as a politcal tool to engrandize herself.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Scooter Libby Verdict

After the verdict in the political show trial of former Vice President Chief of Staff Scooter Libby was announced, conservatives realized that liberals will go to any extent to bring down this Administration.

I'd recommend reading Mark Levin's commentary on the verdict here for more insight.

Libby was essentially convicted because of his association with the Bush Administration. Indeed, one juror is quoted as being "sad" that Libby was the sacrificial lamb for the Administration. These jurors did not understand the concept of reasonable doubt, and almost certainly did not understand the requirements to convict on the other two counts.

A pardon is in order.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Senator, You're No Reagan

One of our members had this to offer about the presidential ambitions of Sen. John McCain (RINO-AZ)

"As we all know, Senator John McCain is running for president. He sort of, officially announced it on the Letterman show last night. At times, he tries to appeal to the conservative base, at other times he ignores them. An example of the latter, is the Senator's no-show at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), currently being held in Washington, DC. The Senator is trying to link himself, or portray himself as being a Reagan conservative. His website for 2008 proves this. However, would President Reagan give U.S. Constitutional rights on enemy combatants captured on the battlefield? Not so much. Would President Reagan blow off CPAC? Not so much. As the worlds best blogger, Michelle Malkin points out, President Reagan visited CPAC 12 times! Michelle also has portions of one of his speeches that is just great. Now, I want to point out one thing. Senator McCain is a patriot. He served his country proudly. He endured being a POW for over five years, all the while people like Kerry and Fonda were betraying them. He has consistently stood up for our soldiers. And for that I thank him. But, President Reagan's qoute on the Cold War shows where the difference is. "Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose." President Reagan would never give U.S. rights to people who tried to kill our soldiers on the battlefield. And he also would not alienate true conservatives. Senator, you are no Ronald Reagan."

Read the rest of these blog entries at

Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Thought About Al Gore by James Novak

It really makes me wonder if Al Gore really believes that we're heading toward a global catastrophe. Time Magazine reports that he pays an electric bill of over 1,200 dollars a month. The former Vice President has made the claim that he offsets those uses of electricity by investing in projects that reduce energy consumption. If he really cared so much, why doesn't he live in a smaller house that uses up less power and still invest in those projects? Wouldn't that be the noble thing to do? Wouldn't that also be the environmentally friendly thing to do as well? Are we perhaps asking too much of Al Gore? He sure seems to be asking a lot of us.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Save the World!

A variety of sellers on eBay are selling carbon offsets so that you don't have to feel guilty about living and breathing. Below is the text one seller provided for his offset:

Don't miss this opportunity! Stop feeling guilty about your part (or your nation's part) in GLOBAL WARMING. Instead of worrying about drowning polar bears, wayward whales, and the sad state of New Orleans recovery efforts, DO SOMETHING!!!You are bidding to purchase carbon offset credits. I will use the proceeds from this auction to purchase stock in companies that specialize in reducing carbon emissions lowering carbon footprints, and or reducing Global Warming.For your effort, the winner will receive a certificate (suitable for framing) stating the number of credits purchased to impress your friends and assuage your conscience.Sleep well without having to adjust your lifestyle.Satisfaction guaranteed or an abject apology will be issued.

So get your Paypal accounts ready and bid away!