The newly elected Democratic Congress is steadily advancing the cut and run agenda liberals were proposing prior to the fall midterm elections. Various news sources are currently reporting that Congressional Democrats are preparing a legislative and political response to the President's calls for an additional 20,000 troops in Iraq [link].
This effort is being spearheaded by well known and prominent liberals like Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and others who have been opposed to the liberation of Iraq from the beginning. By denying funding for this troop increase, Democrats are essentially preventing the military from doing what they do best. Many generals have promoted this idea, believing that an increased military presence will counter the insurgent and terrorist threat. Democrats, however, in a typical Vietnam mindset, are determined to both ignore the advice of the generals and more broadly, lose the war.
Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, argues that
The only obstacle to the full flowering of this debate [on Iraq] is the reluctance of the Democrats to say out loud what many of them obviously believe: “The war is lost.”
Lowry makes another observant argument when he quotes Senators Kerry and Biden and their respective criticism of the President for not sending enough soldiers to Iraq in the first place. Biden: "There’s not enough force on the ground now to mount a real counterinsurgency."Kerry: "We don’t have enough troops (there)." This is a typical example of liberal hypocrisy and malfeasance. Democrats are unable to come clean with the American people, and certainly will not given their status as the majority party.
Naturally, Democrats believe that the American military can only do harm (see the lessons of Haditha, for example), that the battle of Iraq is not a crucial front in the global war on terror, and that we were all lied to so that Bush and his "neocon cronies" could engage in a maniacal crusade for oil. Led by liberals like Reid and Pelosi, Democrats are attempting to position themselves as moderates and centrists who "care about the troops" and only want to bring them home to their families. We should be wary of the Democrats' commitment to winning the war on terror especially when they call for the total withdrawal and redeployment of troops from Iraq while also claiming that we can never let Iran become a nuclear power.
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